
Every order is under control… of KwickPOS.

As the owner of a seafood restaurant, you enjoy the benefits of simple ingredients and easy preparation process, but may also suffer from high cost of wasted food during cooking. What if you can save those unnecessary spending by wisely assigning orders into different groups? And KwickPOS can help you with it!

- Multiple Menus & Price Modifiers

Having troubles with updating menus at different locations? no worries! Aa a cloud-based management system, KwickPOS can synchronize any updates to all the menus in by one click.

- Real Time Business Report

We keep all of your business reports in the system, and you may access them at anytime, anywhere, on any device. The visualized information reflects the real time business activities for you, including revenue, cost, storage... etc. and there is surely notification for sensitive operation. Even when you travel abroad, everything is still under control!

-  Integrated Employee Management

Make KwickPOS be just like your back office! Managing staff roles, time and attendance, shifting and scheduling, allocate employees between different locations, or even customize tips for every staff... all of these purposes can be easily served by KwickPOS employee management function.

Boost your profits with better management and higher efficiency!

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